A new call to action has been posted by CASAA.

From the CASAA website:

The FDA held a public hearing on Section 918 on Monday, December 17, 2012. Many THR advocates testified. See: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/legislation-news/361023-more-details-analysis-fdas-december-17-hearing.html

For the hearing, we issued a Call to Awareness. This is now a related (as noted below) but separate Call to Action. The FDA will use the testimony that was given at the December 17 hearing, plus the written comments submitted by January 16, 2013 as input for the report to Congress required by the Tobacco Act.

Detailed instruction on how to comment and an outline of comment suggestions are found on their page.
Let’s take some time, leave some comments, and be sure our voice is heard.

Here is the link to the CASAA page: CASAA Call To Action!!

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Author: pbusardo