THE KANGER T3 & T3.1 & T3.2 & T3.3…

So after hearing, reading, and listening, it looks like they are probably ALL Kangers with KangerTech making little tweaks here and there in newer productions runs.  In my opinion, a bad idea.  If you’re going to change a product, you should probably rename it so people know what the hell they’re buying, but that’s IMHO.

Note that I have not yet heard back from Kanger after the initial email that stated they were looking into it.

So why were the two so damn different?

Right now, I don’t know, but it is really no wonder why so many people love then and so many people hate them.

Since they are all hand made, my guess is that there are slight differences in construction.  Also, as demand increases, my second guess is that they source the materials from different vendors, although I have no way to substantiate that.  These two items lead to inconsistencies in performance.

I have several new ones coming in that I’ll be trying side by side to see if this inconsistency continues.

For now, they’ve been removed from the recommended hardware section, and pending what I find from further testing, the Clearo Shootout may be annotated.

I wouldn’t be wasting my time if the first one wasn’t so good and the second so bad!!

For those of you who tried them based on my recommendation and had a bad experience… my apologies.

What a bummer!  I really liked the one that worked!  But really hate the one that doesn’t.

Author: pbusardo