From Jamie

Hi Phil,
I am a fairly new vaper, just past thirty days or so (really I have lost count,
analogs have no hold over me anymore!). I have a vaping mentor, Jon Helton, that
has introduced me to the world of vaping and paid forward a lot of great info,
wisdom, and goodies…Anyway, one of the first places he sent me to to get
schooled up on things before my first vapemail arrived was this site
(tasteyourjuice). I’m sure you are busy and I’ll keep it brief…THANK YOU for all
you have done and continue to do for the blooming vaping world. I joined a fairly
local facebook group (St Louis Vapers) and they are a very good-natured,
enthusiastic, informative and supportive bunch, already over 200 members and
growing by 5-10 a week. As such, when the new vapers start to ask questions, I
always steer them here or to some of your youtube reviews. Keep up the good work,
myself and so many others really appreciate it.
Much gratitude and respect,

Author: pbusardo