From Mike

Comment: Good evening. Just wanted to say I enjoy the reviews and the
solid info you spend so much of your time helping all of us with. Lou
Ritter hounded me for a couple years to try vaping and drop the analogs. I
wish I had done so much sooner then I did but they are gone. I can safely
say that I go to your reviews and only Lou for true unbiased information
and neither of you have steered me wrong. I have become the middle man to
many of my co workers on vaping and the reviews that you post and the
information that you provide is priceless. So Thank you sir! Keep up the
awesome work… Do you ever make it out to Arizona/Cali area for vape meets
or such? I have talked to Lou about putting something semi Local in place.
We live in Sedona Arizona 1/2 way between Flagstaff and Phoenix. Vaping is
starting to take a hold here and its rather exciting. Thanks for your

Author: pbusardo