Those of you who REALLY know me, also know how very appreciative I am for all the emails, comments, questions, validations, and success stories I receive. It’s become quite a chore managing them all, but I’ll continue to do my very best.

I’d typically post these only in the Success Stories/Validations section.  Although they are all equally important to me, I thought this one cute enough to post here.

By the way, if you’re having a rough time making the transition from tobacco cigarettes to electronic ones, read through some of the posts in that section.  It may give you the added bit of encouragement you need.

Cory & Dee, although I would have preferred your first born named after me, the cat will do… for now. 🙂

Thank you so much CORY AND DEE!

Hi Phil
I was put onto your YouTube vids by my stepfather after he couldn’t answer any of
the questions I had about vaping. He got me onto it bout 5months ago after seeing
ecigs for sale at markets here in Australia and said to give it a go as I wanted to
quit smoking..after a few days sucking on a crap Chinese stardust knock off I was
hooked and haven’t had a smoke since. I started watching your vids and was hooked
on them as well. I have since tried everything and it is my new hobby so I had to
write to you and thank you.

My girlfriend and I love watching your vids (we even named our kitten Bruce Sardo
/Brusardo) and have found that we agree with the things we have seen you review and
have tried.  Like you we have no children so we have plenty of free time and
vaping, for myself at least, and reading/learning more is a welcome distraction.
Anyway I know you must get hundreds of emails dribbling on like this but I just
wanted to say thank you..without you and your entertaining vids we would have a
bigger hole in our

Love your work and keep it up!
Cory and Dee


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Author: pbusardo