From CiCi

Okay Mister, about this vaping thing ….

It’s 10:30 at night, I have e-juice dripping down my arms, there are sparks shooting
out of this eGO thing – so high they’re scortching the ceiling, I have a drip tip
permanently suctioned to my lip and I can’t find my charger!

Panic clearly isn’t working, nor is whining loudly “why oh why did I ever place that
first order!” So I stop and think, I’m new to this, I need some advice but where do
I go? Who could possibly help, I don’t know anyone else who’s crazy enough to try
all this …. or do I?

Hmmm, an idea is taking shape ….. I know! WWPBD? (What Would Phil Busardo Do? (my
current mantra))

I wipe off my arms, put down the sparkler er um battery and grab my iPad. Googling,
googling, PBusardo, PBusardo, AHAH! YouTube, I’m saved!! I rip the drip tip off my
lip, ouch, and click on the first video on the page. This Phil Busardo is a pretty
sharp guy, he knows EVERYTHING about vaping. I’ll just watch a little and everything
will be fine.

Okay – it’s loaded, cute little intro tune, I’m feeling better already. So, what
should I do Phil? Wait, he’s on the ground, sneaking through the bushes on his
belly, wait … WHAT???


Phil, on Feb. 11/13 I placed my first (of many already) orders for vaping supplies.
As someone totally new to all this it has been daunting. I was soooo fortunate to
find out about you that very same week and I had to write and tell you what a
tremendous help you’ve been.

In a little more than a month I have gone from disposables to eGO C and VV and now
to 2 Provaris, and have done it armed with great information that I only could have
got from you. You’ve saved me a ton of money that would otherwise been spent on a
lot more trial and error. You guided me into the ‘big leagues’ aka the Provaris much
sooner than I ever would have got there myself and it’s right where I need to be.

The information you share is thorough, honest, LMAO with tears in my eyes hilarious
but also life-changing and like all your many fans I appreciate you more than you
could ever know.

I’m a Canadian gal about your age with a wonderful husband and like you, no kids.
We’ve both struggled with quitting for years now, but this time it’s truly do-able.
We agreed to put no pressure on ourselves or each other just yet, but to just see
where vaping will take us. I’m down from half a pack/day to just 1 cigarette, half
in the morning and half at night, and hubby is down from over 1ppd to 5 cigarettes.
We can breath again, we can taste again, the treadmill is my friend again and he
says the physical part of his job is a breeze now and it’s only going to get better.

I know you didn’t ‘invent’ vaping but you do put it in terms that make it work like
no one else does, and you’re my Hero! Everyone can benefit from the reviews you do
but for new people, that information is invaluable. The vaping community is a
smarter, richer place because of you and I hope you keep sharing for a long time to
come. Several people I know are showing an interest in vaping and when they ask I
always tell them about you.

Thanks Phil – you’re the best!
….. hmmm, now how long did he say to boil the Provari???? hehehe

Author: pbusardo