From Quintus

Hi Phil.

I just wanted to give you a big thanks for all the great work you’re doing for the
I was a pack a day smoker since I was 12 and never had any success with quitting.
Most likely because I really loved smoking.
For the last couple of years, one of my friends tried to get me on the ecig because
it worked great for him. I always said no to it for 2 reasons. 1. I didn’t see it
working for me, seeing I never succeeded in quitting before. And 2. I’ve suffered
from depression and anxiety / panic attacks for 11 years and I was frankly to scared
to try them out because of all the bad press from the government and such. And a
cigarette always helped me to calm down when I got a panic attack too.
Then I started having difficulty breathing when being on my back or when I was out
walking and that got me looking onto all of this.
I started looking on the Web within the vapor community and started to form an idea
for myself about all this. My friend of course picked up on this and asked me to go
with him to work one day (he works at a vape store) and I did. While I was there I
decided that I might as well try it out. So I bought an ego v6 and some 18mg juice.
When I walked out the store I was still skeptic but I thought to myself… Let’s see
how many hours I can go before my next smoke! Well… That’s 2 months ago now. I was
smoke free the minute I fired up that ecig! And I couldn’t be happier.
After a couple of weeks I could sleep on my back again and walk without being out of
breath. And I started to enjoy the taste of food again (maybe too much! I’m sure you
know about that :-P) and biggest of all (at least for me) my anxiety attacks and
depression periods is significant less frequent !! It’s amazing!
So now, this is actually starting to be a hobby for me, and all your videos got me
trying out different stuff.
I bought a Cube after watching your reviews and have also required myself a vamo.
And recently i started on cartos! Vaping just keeps getting better and better.
Also, I got my 3 brothers and my mom on the vapor as well and even bought them a
vamo too 😀
If it wasn’t for your contributions (as well as grimm grenes) i probably still would
be with a ce4 type of Clearo not getting the best vape I could 😛 (and spitting
juice everywhere).
Thank you very much, Phil! And please keep up the amazing work!

PS. Sorry for the bad English. I’m not from an English speaking country.

Author: pbusardo