From Pete

Can I just thank you for everything you’re doing for the vaping community. I, amongst many, watch your videos religiously and you have helped me more than you could ever know. You’ve taught me so much and I rarely buy anything before seeing if you’ve reviewed it. I’m very new to vaping but am proud to say I’ve been 8 weeks without an analogue.
I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m sure you get thousands of emails from people saying these things to you but when you have such an influence on someone’s life I think you should be commended for it, and you truly have influenced my life. I lost my father to lung cancer from smoking 12 years ago and I remember the pain of watching him go through that. I don’t want my children to see me end up down the same path.

Thank you Phil

Take care and all the best


Author: pbusardo