From Kat

I am 28 and have smoked for 14 years on and off. I quit for a few years then life slapped me in the face. (Doesn’t she always?) Then in early 2010 I found Vaping. I stayed with it for about 3 months. But my Volcano atty’s & “tank-o-mizers” just weren’t doing it for me. Horrible VTF. So I stopped. So I continued to smoke until I found out I was pregnant. I quit. Until after he was born when, once again, life pushed me into the muck. I started (Analogs) up once again. I stopped (Vaped)…… Then started (Analogs)…… Fail. I was sitting on my computer one day and found literally by accident GrimmGreen. (I was looking up the show Grimm) Which led me to your videos eventually led me to yours then to your site with just oodles of information!!! The rest is history!!!



Author: pbusardo