From James

Hey Mr. Busardo-

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your online videos and this website.
While not a complete newb, I was not aware of just how developed the vaping scene
is and what is now so easily available. For once California is behind the curve.

I switched to vaping just over a year ago, and the difference it has made in my
ability to enjoy the outdoor activities I love is amazing. Before vaping it would
take me 4 stops to catch my breath over a 1.5 mile walk to my favorite fishing spot
at the lake which is at 8k feet. Now I make one stop and it’s just for water.

Oh how I wish I had known about your site and the reviews on YouTube! I started
with an ego style rip-off (SmartSmoke) and got frustrated with their products
inability to stay in one piece… The glue they used (at the time) to put the
ego/510 connection and the battery together didn’t have the thermal properties
required to withstand my vaping, and simply came apart. After two disasters and $$
on their gear, I created my own device that ran directly from either USB or wall
using the ego/510 connections that had come off the SmartSmoke devices. I had no
idea how anything really worked and was just happy to make the CE’s work.

After watching all your available videos I think now if I had to I could build a new
mod it would be a much better professional device. But I opted to go commercial and
get myself an SVD based on your review. I liked the fact that there are multiple
buttons and battery configurations and that it looked either like a light saber
(Star Wars Fans) or a Sonic Screwdriver (Doctor Who Fans). I agree the LCD leaves
something to be desired but not having to go through a menu system is worth the
trade off.

I chose to purchase mine from the FastTech site which I am sure you have heard
about. (The controversies over real or not real devices) and while I don’t have a
model directly from Innokin, this one I am using looks exactly in every way as if it
came from them. I know they are both Chinese companies and it is a funny idea of
them ripping themselves off…

Anyway this has gotten way longer than I anticipated or I am sure you wanted to
read. If you got to the end congratulations, you have won nothing more than my
eternal gratification.

Thanks again!


Author: pbusardo