So I’ve been hearing a lot of about cotton lately.


I always doubt until I try for myself.

Finally, the Golden Greek God himself came down from Mount Olympus and said, “Hey Feel, you should try some cotton.”

I’m one of those guys who, if I can get it to work well and I’m satisfied with the vape, I call it good enough. If I can get a slightly better vape but it increases my build time or adds steps to my build, I will usually shy away and stick what with works “good enough”.

Since using cotton simply changes one material for another, I decided to give it a try and bought some from Mod & World.

My first attempt was using it in the Russian. I rebuilt it last night. I wasn’t expecting much, but I’m quite surprised and pleased.  I made sure the wick was boiled & dried before using it, and that the wick and coil were well primed before the Russian was buttoned up.

This is one of the issues with cotton.  It burns.  So if your wick isn’t always nice and wet, it could potentially burn, unlike silica which has much higher temperature resistance.  Dry burning is also out when using cotton!

Unlike my experiences with Ekowool, which I’m not completely sold on yet, I liked the flavor of the cotton right off the bat.  I thought it was slightly better & cleaner than silica.  Wicking has also been flawless so far.

I see more cotton wicks in my future and look forward to trying this in more devices.

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Author: pbusardo