From Matt

Dear Mr. Busardo,

I am writing this because in my opinion, you helped save my life. In terms of vaping I am a relative newbie. I have only been vaping since March of this year, well full time since May, but I’ll get to that.

In March my girlfriend and I were visiting a friend a friend and he had an EGO twist. My girl was all for it. Two days later she was buying a pair of EGOs with nova tanks. To tell you the truth it was a novelty as far as I was concerned. I would use my vaporizer every once in awhile, but still smoked pretty heavy. I had been smoking two to three packs a day since I was sixteen, so almost twenty years. Then towards the end of April I was sitting on the porch having a cig and having a hard time breathing. When I went inside, I looked at Kit (my gf) and said, “ If I don’t quit smoking I’m going to die.” Roughly two weeks later, May 9th to be exact, I started having intense pain in my legs and chest. To the emergency room we went. There I found out that I had a series of what should have been fatal embolisms. Blood clots had done damage to my lungs, liver, pancreas, were surrounding my heart and slowly traveling towards my brain. I can’t tell you how frightening that was. For the first time in my life I was terrified. After nine days in the hospital I went home. Only to find i still wanted to smoke. After a week or two I gave in to the craving and immediately regretted it. A half a cig later it was pure agony. It was then that I started to look for things to help me understand this vaping thing. I remember wading through so much crap on YOUTUBE. Then I found your video, The Beginners Guide To E-Cigs and E-Cig Tech. At first I was leery, then I listened, really listened, and watched. The passion with which you talk about vaping drew me in. Believe it or not you remind me a lot of my dad in your look, mannerisms and knowledge. Ever since then I have been vaping full time. After three months my doctor considers me a non smoker. My lungs have cleared up dramatically. The doc says my chest x rays are like a night and day difference. In that time I have recovered almost 80% of my lung functions. The doc won’t say it from a medical standpoint, but she has expressed on a personal level, that the only thing she can think of that has brought about this change is the switch from smoking to vaping. Though I still have innumerable blood clots running through my system and am on loads of medication, I breathe better than I have in years. Two weeks ago I got my first VV / VW mod, the itaste SVD. I love it. My vaping experience has never been better and soon I plan to start on my first rebuildable atomizer. I can’t imagine smoking another cigarette. I sit here writing this with tears running down my face. I can’t express my gratitude enough. YOU HELPED SAVE MY LIFE! One day I hope to meet you in person and tell you face to face, give you a hug and say thank you. The work you do is more important than you realize. Everyday I wake up and thank God, my girlfriend and Phil Busardo.

Humbly yours,


Author: pbusardo