From Keith

Phil, thanks so much for what you have done for the vapeing community, but more for what you have done for me. After a stay in the hospital for back surgery I started vapeing the blu e-cigs and it worked for a while but I was about to give up and go back to my 28yr. smoking death sentence, but I got on the internet and searched for e-cig reviews trying to find something better before I started back and there you were, I know it sounds strange but I have considered you a friend ever since. You, and Nick,GrimmGreen, and Demetrius, May have saved my life, I have been smoke free since April 24, 2013 and vaping is my new passion I tell people about it all the time, have given away several ego style kits to people hoping I can do for them what you did for me, sort of paying it forward, Thanks again and I think the from the chair segment is great it has a one on one feel to it. Vape on!!!

Author: pbusardo