By popular demand, I’ve added a list of all liquids that received “Street Shout Out”. You’ll see it over to the right under the Information section.

Many thanks to Lynn and Bud for searching through my videos and compiling this for me. If I’ve missed any, please let me know.

In the ECC Pt. 2 video, we talked to the folks from Five Pawns and we tried their Castle Long Reserve. It didn’t get a “Street Shout Out” because the Throat Hit (TH) was a little weak. Problem is, I’ve been vaping it. A lot. Like a real lot. Finally last night I put it in my Russian (you know, the one with the new micro coil) and I got a very satisfying throat hit off of it.

20131009_115220I REALLY like this liquid so it officially get’s a “Street Shout Out” and has been added to the list.

A little pricey for me to vape all the time, but I’ll be buying more for special occasions and just when I want to indulge myself a little bit.

I may have to think about adding this to My Favorite E-Liquid list as well.

Really nice juice guys. I look forward to trying the rest of your line (after I get through the current queue 🙂 )


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Author: pbusardo