Join me in wishing “RunnerX” the very best of luck in the upcoming NYC marathon!  Let’s also thank him for portraying vaping in a positive light!

“RunnerX” would like his identity kept secret until after the race so that officials can’t veto his entry and prevent him  from running

ScreenHunter_116 Oct. 15 11.28We are pleased to announce that experienced marathoner, RunnerX, will be highlighting the benefits of electronic cigarettes as harm reduction products by running the 26.2 mile ING New York City Marathon on November 3, 2013…while vaping through all five Boroughs of the race.
Less than eight months after starting vaping, RunnerX is ready to show fellow Vapers that e-cigarettes can be part of an active lifestyle. Even though most people will never run a Marathon, RunnerX wants Vapers everywhere to know that replacing tobacco with a personal vaporizer is a great step towards a healthier life.

RunnerX has completed more than two dozen Marathons and Ultra Marathons including four Marathons in four days and a 50 mile Trail Ultra Marathon. RunnerX has a professional degree and co-owns a vape shop on the West Coast of the United States. The endurance runner got into vaping to replace the cigarette habit that started in high school and continued while in the Army.

Show your support by showing up along the Marathon route on race day for a toot and a picture. This will be a great opportunity for the vaping community to make a strong statement in support of tobacco harm reduction. It will also send a message to New York’s Mayor Bloomberg that Vapers are a strong and united group.

We look forward to seeing you along the course on November 3, 2013!

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Author: pbusardo