From Tony

Hi Phil
First of all I’d like to wish you and your family a very healthy and prosperous new

I am a newbie to vaping living in the UK and have been a smoker for many years, I
have tried and succeeded……and failed to give up a few times. I believe when you
go cold turkey you miss the interaction with the cigarette, nothing to hold. So I
thought I would give these e-cigs ago, fell into the normal learning curve pit
falls, juice in the mouth, dry draw running out of juice….etc, so I threw it in a
draw and left it for a few months.

Then in November I had 12 days leave and I said to the wife “while I’m off I’ll give
it another go”, so armed with my tornado tank I took the first step on my journey,
seeking advise at my local totally wicked shop and the guys were really helpful.
Then the first few days under my belt off to the web and that’s when I found “Taste
your juice” and started watching the videos, It has been inspirational, I now know
it can be a hobby with all the peripherals that go with it, I think you do an
excellent job with the vids. So its been 6 weeks and I now vape a sigelei v5 and a
protank 2 and I love it. I look forward to continuing to learn alongside your

Keep up the good work Phil

Author: pbusardo