From Sam

Hey Phil,
After watching your last video of 2013, you got me thinking…how the heck did I, in
the short time I’ve been vaping, stick with this and not just go back into smoking
cigarettes? Let me just say that you, sir, have had a huge impact on that. All the
videos of yours that I’ve watched have been influential and helpful to me in many
ways. I met you at Vapebash last year, and there you showed me that no matter the
popularity on youtube, websites, blogs, etc. you are just an average guy helping out
average people like me! You said something to me that stuck with me at Vapebash. I
walked up and the first thing I said was, “hey Phil! My name’s Sam, and I just
wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your videos!” and you stopped me right there and
told me, “Sam…there’s no such thing as fans to me, we’re all friends.” That to me
not only showed plenty of character on your part, but also that this community is
just that! We’re all friends, and you telling me that helped me stick to that.
Without your videos, I wouldn’t have found other influential people such as Nick
Green, who I also met at Vapebash, and I was more than fortunate enough to snap a
pic with the both of you, and I’m glad that this community has guys like you who are
willing to help people like me. I won’t ramble on and on and on, because I know
you’re a busy man like the rest of us, so to sum it all up…Thank you for what you
do. You’ve helped me, as well as thousands of other people I’m sure, with a
healthier (at least that’s what studies are starting to point to and can vouch for
that as a person with asthma,) alternative to the cancer sticks, and we all
appreciate it very much! I hope to see you at Vapebash again in 2014, and if time
allows, have a vape with you. Thank you again, Phil, and may 2014 be great to you
and your family!

Take care,

Author: pbusardo