From “Papa John”

My story is quite similar to all of my age group which is 68+.

I started in 1960 at 15 in high school to be cool, but was not an everyday smoker until being invited to join the Army in April 1969. It was basic training and the DI said take a smoke break. I didn’t smoke so I was standing with the smokers under a tree when the DI noticed I others were not smoking. He asked how many were not smokers, several of us raised our hands. He informed us that we were instructed to take a smoke break, so we non-smokers got to rake the parking lot while the smokers took a break. The next time he said take a smoke break, I bummed a cigarette and the rest is history. In those days we got free cigarettes from Tobacco companies, the USO and they had a five pack in the C-Rations too. I was finally able to quit tobacco on 2 June 2011, after several attempts at quitting (The gum didn’t work and the patch worked for a short time, twice. The third time is was a complete bust. I even tried hypnosis, no long term success until e-cigs.) because of two things; My wife asked me to do it for her and e-cigs.

I started at 24mg nic, then 18, then 12. 12mg is where I am and some 6. Depends on the device I use.

I don’t even desire a cigarette, and now to tell the truth, they stink, especially on a damp or rainy day. I wish we had more politicians/celebrities that gave up tobacco for e-cigs. Then we could have a better chance of stopping the stupidity of limiting/banning/taxing e-cigs.

As always, enjoy life.
The best to you and yours.
Papa John

Author: pbusardo