I’ve been reading too much of this lately and thought it time to let a comment fly…

Blaming the e-cig for teens using marijuana is like blaming the paper bag for teens huffing paint. It’s a dumb argument. You’re grasping at straws.

How about blaming the parents?
How about taking some responsibility?

You’re going to blame the e-cig for your kid’s ability to purchase and use marijuana? Seriously?

What a confused society we’ve become. How misdirected we are. How we enjoy burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the real problems.


Ridiculous you say?  You bet it is!  Just as ridiculous as some of the arguments against e-cigs.

…And just to add to the above photo:

The water contained in this bottle could be replaced with Vodka and used by teens in schools!

And finally, just to get this off my chest.  Regarding the argument that the flavors of e-liquids attract teens… I’d like to say that somehow, someway, my taste buds managed to survive my adolescence.  I still enjoy flavors and it’s those flavors that have helped me remain tobacco cigarette free for exactly 4 years, 6 months, and 30 days at the time of this post. So either rethink your argument…


…or go after all of these guys as well.

(But please don’t as it will affect my fruity & delicious umbrella drinks.)

Here’s some intelligent commentary on the ongoing stupidity.

Favorite quote:

Worry more about second hand stupidity which these clowns spread with glee.



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Author: pbusardo