From Steve

Good evening, Mr. Busardo.

My name is Steve, and I wanted to send you an email to give you a heartfelt thank you.

I’ve been randomly checking in on vaping as a vehicle to quit smoking for quite a while now, and one month ago, I decided to take the plunge. I quit, cold turkey 27 days ago when I purchased my first Kanger EVOD and Ego Battery. I started out smoking 70/30 PG/VG, from a local shop, which gave me headaches.

So I started really checking things out, getting on the forums, learning little bits here and there, taking in all of the opinions. But they were just that, LOTS of opinions, personal taste, subjective conjecture. So I went driving around my area, looking for different local vape brick and mortar retail stores. I spent a decent amount of money (which I amazingly do not regret) and I learned some stuff on my own. I purchased a Innokin VTR, two Innokin iTaste 30s, and found some 50/50 juice called NamberJuice at a local brick and mortar that does not give me a headache. I also purchase my mother an analog called the Joytech Ego-Roll, in the hopes that she would quit smoking as well, and she has been cigarette free for a week now.

I’ve learned that I am not a top coil person, not enough taste for me. I found out that I am all about flavor and consistency, not any bit into cloud size or anything like that. So I went on another round of searching, and I found your channel. I’ve watched some other vids on youtube, and found the people somewhat… annoying in their presentation. As if they were doing it only to impress. You actually wanted to teach, you wanted to educate people on how to better enjoy their vape, to do it more safely, and provide information to allow them to make informed decisions.

I purchased a Kanger Aerotank, and a Joytech eMode Atomizer, and I have to admit, they taste great, but there is still something missing in the taste department. Then I found your Battle of the Bottoms experiment video. (As a gay male, I thought the joke at the beginning was hilarious) I found that video very informative, and have decided to look into getting a Nautilus.

But I am rambling, and I don’t want to take up too much of your time. Just know, you’ve helped me a lot (and continue to do so as I watch more of your videos).

Again, thank you.
– Steve

Author: pbusardo