From Sam

Hey Phil, Hope your doing well.

As I sit down tonight and reflect on my first year of being completely smoke-free, I thought it would be a good idea to reach out to those that made a difference in my journey. I cannot tell you how many evenings I spent reading, watching and researching how I would begin. A friend of mine got me started with an Ovale Ego-C kit, but it didn’t fully take until I started learning more, learning the technique required and honestly, until I found your site. Tasteyourjuice, along with your YouTube Videos were definitely one of the first sites that I could identify with. I started with your review of the Ovale Ego-C and kept on going! I think I watched a couple of hours of reviews the first night. It gave me the information I needed, in a way I could identify with and gave me the confidence in the products I needed to throw my cigarettes away.

One year, many, many, many mods and over 100 e juices later, I can confidently say, I will never ever return to smoking. I believe that you, Phil Busardo, have contributed a great deal to that success. From you satirical Legal Vape 4000, to the Flame Tamer, to your open and honest reviews, you have made the journey enjoyable!. I’m glad we’ve gotten to meet several times and share a vape here and there. Along with Niagara (Shawn) and several others, I can now say that I’m one year away from smoking and certainly one step closer to better health.

In closing, I would like to say, Thank You, thank you for being one of the most valuable resources in vaping! At the end of the day the products are all well and good, but without people like you, that care about their fellow person, I would still be on track for an early grave. You’ve made a difference, and it’s a message and a mantle that I hope I can pick up and carry with me and help other in the same way you’ve helped me!

A heart-felt Thanks


Author: pbusardo