Being who I am and how I am, I can appreciate this… well some of it. I don’t like the word “weirdos”. People are people… all human beings at their core. But it’s an interesting read and I’m quite sure Russ Wishtart’s show will be interesting as well.

I’ve felt the same way. I feel the hotel could have handled things better. I even made the comment to several people that I felt like we were being treated like animals, but the more I reflect on it, the more I can understand it (but still not how they went about it). I guess I felt at the time like the good kid in the class. Remember? When the entire class was punished because of a few bad individuals?

One thing that really stood out to me…

A father walking his little daughter through the hall the night before the event. There was vape everywhere. There were “interesting” people everywhere. The little girl put her head down into her arm and breathed into her shirt.

Without knowing what we were doing, without knowing how and who we are, I could only imagine how that little girl and her father felt about us.

I hear it all the time. We should have the right to vape anywhere we want! Really? I dare you to vape in the maternity ward of a hospital. No, we don’t have that right, and we shouldn’t. However, we also shouldn’t be forced into smoking sections, where we KNOW second hand exposure is dangerous. We need our own set of rules.

But we also need to show respect, be considerate, and represent ourselves well.

Why do I vape? I vape NOT to smoke. I personally don’t see the need for my PV to produce any more vapor than my cigarette did smoke. However, I think you can be this kind of vaper and still be a hobbyist & enthusiast… searching for consistency, flavor, a device you really like, and overall vape quality.

And I’m not even saying this is the right way, nor do I dislike those who don’t do things this way… but it is my way.

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Author: pbusardo