Crystal Clear Vaping & Andrew Watkins

I just had a very difficult phone conversation with someone I’ve dealt a lot with in the past.

His name is Andrew Watkins and he is the owner of Crystal Clear Vaping (CCV).

Andrew has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer which has spread to his liver. He has been given 4 months to live if the kemo and radiation does not work.

I talked to Andrew from his hospital bed and it was not easy for him, but he asked a few favors of me which I’m more than happy to do for him.

  • He asked me to keep him in my prayers and thought and I’ll do just that.  I would ask the same of you.
  • He explained to me that he’s been training the replacement management of CCV from the hospital bed, but the transition has not been an easy one.  There have been customer service and order issues over the last 5 months and he would like to make them right.  He’s asked me to provide his personal email to you.  If you’ve experienced customer service or order issues with CCV over the last 5 months, please contact him directly so he can address them.  Note that he’s doing this from his hospital bed.  I think this speaks wonders for the man.

I would personally ask you to be patient with him through this difficult time.  Perhaps, even if you haven’t had any issues with CCV or have never even dealt with CCV, a quick email wishing him well could boost his spirit a bit.

His email address is

I wish you well Andrew.

Thank you everyone.


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Author: pbusardo