From Mike

Hello Phil,

First thing I have to do is thank you. Very much.

You have provided me with the information I needed to get the right vape supplies to
successfully quit smoking, and done so in an entertaining way. As of July 14 I have
not had an analog for six months! Think I’m over the hump.

My lady friend and I quit smoking and started vaping on February 14 – yes it was a
good Valentines Day. Thanks to your website and videos we were able to make sense
of the enormous amount ( some incorrect ) of information out there.

Your videos are great, informative and appeal to my engineering background. Your
knowledge and communication skills have made you THE authority on vaping IMO. For
instance there are no boxes of Ko Gen Do cotton to be had in all of North America
right now. lol

I am sixty years old. I don’t even want to think about how many years I smoked. I
honestly don’t know if I will live longer but already in six months I can tell you I
have much more life and feel so much better!

So thanks again, and all the best to you and your lovely wife. I would be proud to
call you my friend.

Royal Oak, MI

Author: pbusardo