From Todd

I just wanted to say thank you for your videos your great information. I
have now been off cigarettes for a month and feeling the awesome effects.

I only wish I would have seen your videos and read alot more before I started
opening my wallet. It just does not seem like there is the knowledgeable people and
shops here in South Dakota and I have spent alot of bad money already listening to
the wrong shops in town.

With all your great info I now know that I can make some more intelligent decisions.
I have gotten into my first dripper and mech mod along with various variable voltage
device s that are just ok. I love the dripper vape but it was a cheaply designed one
and has next to no juice well so my search is ongoing for a better one and most
likely a russian 91 or keyfun loved your comparison video. I also think I may
upgrade my itazte mvp to something more comfortable and where I can change out

Again I just wanted to say a big South Dakota thank you! At 44 years old I never
thought I would quit cigarettes!

Author: pbusardo