So I spent (wasted) about 2 hours of my life last night with the new Fogger V5.

The posts in mine were bent and the holes were not parallel.

The spring loaded, push button captures suck giant monkey balls. 1) they don’t hold the wires tight enough, 2) the shafts on them spin freely so unless they’re perfectly aligned, you don’t see the hole when you push them down.

I made the switch to the to the screw captures and finally got a couple coils sitting nicely (well, at least sitting) in it.

I wicked it, held the cotton up, put on the first section of the chimney, trimmed it, then tried to push the cotton down from the top similar to a Kayfun build. There is VERY little room to work in there.

The fill method is weak. I think they tried to go tool-less, but failed. There’s an o-ring at the top you need to pry off to expose the fill holes. My nails didn’t cut it, so I needed to use a screwdriver anyway.

I filled it, but forgot to close the airflow first, so liquid just came pouring out.

The second time I filled it, I closed the air flow first, then filled, then opened it. It didn’t pour out that time, but the airflow controller was and is still a little bit juicy, and it’s slightly gurgley, even fully opened.

The vape I’m getting from it, although full of flavor is harsh. And It’s not currently making a lot of vapor.

I’m going to try another build with much smaller coils and less cotton. Currently running two 28 gauge coils off a 2.25mm bit, around 9 wraps, totaling out at 1 ohm.

I’m sure there are builders out there superior to me who can make this work well, but I’ll give it one more shot then out the window it goes.


So I tried another re-fill. Closed down the airflow, popped the top cap, pried out the o-ring, filled it, put the o-ring back in place, screwed the top back on, and opened the airflow. I now have a lovely river of e-liquids streaming down my Solara… and it’s as gurgly as a $5 street whore. Ok… carry on.

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Author: pbusardo