From Frank

I just wanted to take a minute to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry
Christmas and a a Happy and prosperous New Year. I also want to thank you for all
you do for the vaping community which I am proud to be a part of. Also, I would like
to congratulate you on an excellent video with Dr. Farsilinos! Lastly, at the end
of the video you kind of downplayed your importance in this rapidly changing
industry. I disagree completely! Perhaps you were just being modest in the presence
of such a brilliant man which is very nice and cordial. It’s understandable being
the gentleman that you are. I’d probably do the same. However, (I promise it’ll end
soon) your reviews save people so much time and money. Additionally, the
manufacturers listen to you and make their products better and safer. Keep it up
pal. If your travels ever bring you to the NY Metro are or NJ I’d do my best to
thank you in person. Yours in vaping, Frank

Author: pbusardo