From Jeff

Comment: Hey I have to say that I am very thankful for the reviews that you do. Your
reviews are very thorough and do not present any sort of hype or biased feelings
towards the products/vendors.

Also as just a short success story,

I have smoked regular cigarettes for over 13 years and I was very dedicated at it,
to the point that I would come up with any excuse I could to ensure a timely smoke
break. After a botched attempt at the “Smoking Anywhere” ecig I was doomed to the
patches that ever worked except to keep my body on edge. After going through a
Vapeatron and your videos I decided to try the ecig’s in the form of a Joytech eGo T
with the Boge 2.0 carto’s. I am proud to say that I went from over a pack a day down
to 0 instantly. Though I went through, and am still going through, the physical and
mental withdrawals. I have no desire to smoke the analogs again. Once you get into
the kind of clean vamping that can be had out of an ecig there is just no comparison
within the analog world.

I am going on a month now of being smoke free and you have helped in that effort.

Many thanks from a Family and Military man.

Author: pbusardo