Dry-burning metal coils: is it a good thing? – By Dr Farsalinos and Pedro Carvalho

In a recent interview on RY4 Radio, Dr. Farsalinos discussed issues with dry burning coils.

This caused an influx of emails to my inbox.

Remember folks… there is an important reason why all of my videos start off with “Use these products at your own risk” because there ARE risks involved. We know a lot but we’re still learning more every day. When issues are found, we need to listen, adjust, fix, or choose to accept the risk. Over-reacting and panicking doesn’t help anyone. Also, condemning the information presented and those presenting it because it doesn’t match with your style of vaping isn’t helping either, especially when the information comes from those who support us. We need the information… good or bad… then it’s up to you to decide what to do with it.

I’ve stated several times that the safest way to vape is to not vape at all, but don’t smoke either!!

There are many people who want to vape as safely as possible. These people may not want to dry burn their coil based on the information presented. Some people are willing to accept the risk.

I personally don’t want any issues with vaping to be hidden. I want to know the risks involved so I can make educated choices on how I vape. More research in the materials we use on a day to day basis is needed.

I asked Dr. F. about the information presented in the interview and he wrote a blog response. You can read it HERE.

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Author: pbusardo