Ok gang, here is the deal. I received one of these to review. I was contacted by the vendor because he felt there was an issue with the head unit. So I double checked and sure enough, it ain’t firing anywhere near where it should be. I set it to it’s max setting at 6V, I got the following readings under load:

1.25 Ohm – 3.13V
1.5 Ohm – 3.5V
2.0 Ohm – 4.03V
3.0 Ohm – 4.13V
4.0 Ohm – 4.23V

Numbers were Te Te Terrible! Is this happening with all the head units from all the vendors? Dunno.
But I do know this vendor was proactive enough to contact me, ask me to hold off on the review, and is sending all the units back until they can get the numbers where they should be.

Good thing he got to me before I created the review!!

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Author: pbusardo