The number of gold sponsor ads that appear above are limited, and although I’ve been requested to, I won’t add any additional gold slots as it would limit advertisers’ exposure.

So I’ve greatly reduced the price of the sponsorship banners that appear to the right in order to make them more cost effective and allow anyone to sponsor, advertise, or be seen on TasteYourJuice.

You don’t need to be a vendor or manufacturer to have a sponsor banner, everyone is welcome to sponsor and be seen on TasteYourJuice.com.

If interested, go to the bottom of the list, click on the “Advertise Here” box and the self-service application will guide you through the process.  Prices are also given before you commit.  You’ll need a PayPal account and a banner with a size of 125×125 to complete your placement.

Thanks everyone & Happy Vaping!

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Author: pbusardo