Posted in Recent News

After 9 Years It’s Time for an Update

It's A New Day

AFter 9 years and countless hours of keeping this site running like a well oiled machine, its time for a small overhaul.

WELCOME!!! To the NEW…

Along with the new bells & whistles, fancy paint job and modernized flow, you will still get the unfettered and uninhibited content that you have grown to love over those 9 years!

Here are the keys to the Ferrari, Pbusardo!!!

Please be gentle with her!

– Coach Erock

Wink Wink

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Testing Functionality

Testing the functionality

Posted in Recent News


On April 25th, ManyYearsAgo PBusardo Entered This World

Today is just like any other Saturday for many people in the world (unless you are in the Asia Pacific Region in which case it might be Sunday by now) BUT for a certain individual it’s a celebration of surviving another year in this world.  Today is PBusardo’s Birthday!!! I think sometimes when we celebrate birthdays the message gets lost between the gifts, parties and frivolity but the truth is a birthday is about a reminder.  It’s about reminding that person that was born today that having them in our life makes us better, more whole.  Phil, a.k.a PBusardo has managed to make so many people’s lives better by being born.  He was influencing the masses long before he got into the vaping community and now he has taken that influence to a global level.  But when you boil it down to its simplest form the message is clear…Phil being born has been an adventure and privilege for anyone that has gotten the opportunity to know him.

So Phil, on this day I am turning the tables to get a message to you!

Thank you for being a positive voice, influence and most of all, FRIEND to me and the masses. You have given the world so much, but TODAY the world gets to give a little back 😉

I have celebrated more than a decade of Birthday’s with you and plan to celebrate many decades more!

Happy Birthday Phil a.k.a. PBusardo a.k.a. DJ Miami!

Love ya Bro!

– Coach Erock


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