FROM WHITE HORSE VAPOR – The Truth About Vaping. It’s Time To Fight Back.

Good video from White Horse Vapor

White Horse Vapor

From interviews, podcasts, and newspaper articles, we will never stop advocating for the legitimacy of the vapor products we and many other specialized vape stores offer. With all these vapor bans and false claims surrounding the vape industry, we will continue to help and support you in the fight to vape whatever flavor you so choose.

Even after countless government articles and studies revoking the claim that nicotine vapor products are the main culprits of illnesses, we felt the need to showcase and prove that the products we put into our bodies are in fact a much safer, cleaner, and smarter alternative than cigarettes. We created a video to share that awareness and to spread our message.

If you’re a fellow vaper and supporter of these life changing products, please LIKE and SHARE this video to help us reach our goal of 5,000 shares.

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Author: pbusardo