FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Junk Science | Bogus Studies Seek Ruin for Vaping | RegWatch (Live)

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

At times it seems like it will never end, the stream of shameful, slanderous, pseudo-scientific research belched from the halls of academia and the darkened corridors of public health. With each new study the same old rehash of claims chips away at the truth, that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking.
Thankfully a small cadre of scientists have dedicated careers to debunking bogus studies and one of the most prolific and well-known of these scientists is Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, cardiologist and research fellow from the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Department of Pharmacology, University of Patras, Greece.

In this special edition of RegWatch hear Dr. Farsalinos confront the most pernicious of the recent retreads of suspicious studies and learn whether he thinks truth in science still has a chance to win-out.

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Streamed: December 6, 2019

Produced by: Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by: FlavourArt & STLTH

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Author: pbusardo